Toboggan Training for New Candidates OET 2017
New candidate ski patrollers learning Outdoor Emergency Transportation (OET) Toboggan skills during the winter of 2016-17. Toboggan Training for New Candidates OET 2017 from Lars Santana on Vimeo.
New candidate ski patrollers learning Outdoor Emergency Transportation (OET) Toboggan skills during the winter of 2016-17. Toboggan Training for New Candidates OET 2017 from Lars Santana on Vimeo.
Mt. Bachelor National Ski Patrol is pleased to announce that Jamie Laughlin is the winner of the 2015-16 Mt. Bachelor Season Pass drawing! Jamie is pictured accepting the pass voucher from Greg Hyde, Mt. Bachelor National Ski Patrol’s Fundraising Chairman! Congratulations Jamie!
Save the date! You have been dispatched to Broken Top Bottle Shop! We have a Code 40: Patroller in need of assistance and requesting multiple patrollers help Come help us celebrate our mid-season / winter party! Friday February 26th